Not long ago, Venezuela used to be the wealthiest county in Latin America sitting on the world’s largest oil reserves, and it’s now facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the western Hemisphere suffering a precipitous decline over the past two decades. More than 3.000.000 Venezuelans have been displaced in the region and that number is growing fast by the thousands per day. The health system has collapsed, there is no food and people are dying, mostly Children and Elders. There are drastic shortages of both food and medicines and diseases such as diphtheria and malaria are re-emerging. State hospitals, in particular, are suffering because of lack of maintenance and scarcity of medical supplies. An UK charity named HEALING VENEZUELA is helping by sending medical supplies and support to hospitals and health related institutions, implementing stress management programmes and supporting training of doctors and nurses. Soon Venezuela will be starving, which will eventually cause millions to die. If you want to help please contact Luis Mulet. Mobile: +44 (0) 7469189600 | E-mail: | Web: